Home > Slow month!

Slow month!

January 21st, 2011 at 10:04 am

Even my 2nd grader commented on how the rest of the year went so fast, but it has been January for a looong time!
Ah well, I'll just keep trucking along. As I've said before, just doing what I'm supposed to be doing is pretty encouraging by itself, and eventually I'll get out of this boring, slow patch. Sometimes boring and slow is good! I remember when I was finishing up my last few classes and working full time, I would have done anything for a "boring" and "slow" month!
I'm contemplating if I should venture into a side business. If I have to admit to myself, I don't really "need" the money. It's more as a creative outlet, a way to brainstorm and produce something of my own. Either that or I need to discover a new hobby!

1 Responses to “Slow month!”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    I have to laugh, to me, it seems like January is flying by!

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